Know the truth.
Time and time again, Jesus tells His listeners “I tell you the Truth”. Knowing the Truth in such a time as this is immensely important. Satan likes to throw us into confusion in the hopes that we will lose focus on God and His Word. Yet God, by His Word, ministers comfort, hope, love, grace, and all of the good things available to us through His blood. Apart from His Word, we are confined in darkness, depression, and death; even spiritual death. By His Word, we know that the evils of this world are the result of sin which brings death. And, by His Word, we know that all those who place their hope and faith upon His Son and the sacrifice paid upon the cross for our sins will one day escape the darkness of this world and enter into eternal peace and rest.
In such a time as this, we are in need of God’s salvation. We need Him to hold us and shield us from the effects of the chaos that comes as a result of dwelling in this dark and crooked world. He will save us when call upon His name. For it is written, “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” Romans 10:13. Let's pray and ask for His comfort. Let's pray for the families who have been affected, that God will grant them strength. Let's pray for our children, that God will protect them from harm and from the emotional damage, fear, and anxiety, that such situations can cause.
Comfort Others.
Mourning is not wrong. Pausing after a disaster is biblical and it is natural. Let’s remember those who are mourning at this time and comfort them. If you're near to them in any way, comfort them. For it is written, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15. Show compassion and comfort those who, though not directly affected by a loss, have been shaken by the effects.